Placing order with Roopac is just easy!

We’ve made your work easier than ever. Trying to place an order in Roopac? learn how!

Step1: Reach our website.

Reaching our website is now made simpler than ever. Search Roopac at google or simple type in your favorite browser. You’ll be directed to our website.

Step2: Choose your bag(s)

You’ve already completed the first step and now choose your required bag from our list of variants. We have bags available in different colors and sizes so that you can choose the most appropriate bag of your need.


Step3: Choose size, color, and quantity.

Now you have selected your type of bag from our list of variants, it’s time to choose the size, color, and quantity following your budget and requirement. You can see the price changing as soon as you select your required size, quantity, and color option.

Note: Happy to inform you that price of bags will be reduced as you go with higher quantity bags.

Step 4: Complete your Payment.

You’re almost there, you are about to get your loved bags home. Wait a min, we got one important step pending. As soon you select your required size, color and quantity – click on the buy now button so that we can take you to our payment page. To make your work much easier, we have various payment options like UPI, bank transfer, card payment, PayTM, and a lot more. You have your price displayed on the screen, click pay now slowly after reviewing your selected bag variant and option.

Note: We got you a coupon! “ROOBAGS2021” applies this to get a 5% immediate discount on your first purchase.

Step 5: The most loved part, design.

Placed your order? Thanks in advance. As soon as you complete your payment, our design executive will reach you by a call with love. You can share your ideas or thoughts you’ve got on how your bag should be designed. Our executive will carefully note down your ideas and thoughts. The design work will be started soon after then.

Don’t have any ideas for thoughts? Worry not! We’re always here to help you. Our design executive will review your company’s product, logo, name, and many more things and will start creating professional-looking bags for your business.

You can take a rest, while we ship your bags!

Done. The rest is ours, we will take care of your bag very carefully in terms of design, looks, and quality until it reaches you. You can return your product if you find something unusual in our bags, we’re ready to replace it. All our bags should be completely returned to initiate a remake of your bags. Worry not, it won’t happen. We believe!

Start your process now. ROOPAC.COM

With love,


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