Your store needs to be at where your customers search.. Google!

As a part of our series.. ” Make small stronger” , here comes the next one.

According to recent research study, December 2020, 78% of stores would love to take their business online. While the rewards are huge, its not a cake walk. It’s literally same street fight, but for attention on phone. We thought to jot down a few things we know- to help stores to bridge their online and offline presence


So looking for something (that you want) over the internet is no brainer in 2021. You just think and then a couple of taps later- you almost get to your specific answer you seek for.

Google and the search algorithm has refined the internet and organized all of the internet to make it search friendly. Enter Maps- that totally replaced the physical maps we used to have at homes and gas stations (fuel stations). Maps has made our lives easier with discovery, list making, directions and to see the real time updates.

GMB a. Google My Business is the step forward from Google for the Businesses to claim themselves. It works both the ways- a new store can set up a business and publish it live to the Maps. Or an existing store, with few validations, can claim the location that’s been around for a while.

What makes GMB special.

GMB is Google’s answer to Instagram and Facebook’s Business Pages. With the search at helm, Google thought they could boot up the play via Business owners with them publishing updates by bringing Maps to the fore.

How do we do it? It’s super easy!

  • Load GMB on iOS or Play Store / use
  • Claim or Create new- depending on your existence
  • NAP is critical. Title Name, Address and Phone number
  • Anything that you do beyond is all bonus. Pictures, Posts, Commenting on reviews

Please note, verification might take seconds- weeks depending on the place you and the type of business.

Eureka! Thats it, your shop is now ready to take off 🚀

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